About Me

Lauren Headshot

My Bio

I'm a fullstack software engineer and a graduate of Thinkful's Engineering Flex program. As a life-long learner, I'm constantly researching and exploring new technologies and am always working to expand my knowledge base. I'm excited by creating polished, accessible, and responsive applications and fascinated with putting together the puzzle of code. Having worked previously in eduction I love getting to work in edtech and bring my expertise to developing useful products. Check out examples of some of my personal projects below!

My skills

JavaScript | React | HTML | CSS | SASS | MaterialUI | jQuery

Jest | Mocha | Capybara | Selenium

Node.Js | Express | Ruby | Rails | Elixir | Postgres | SQL

AWS | Heroku | Vercel | Git | REST

Sample Projects

cpost GitHub Repo

Track the amount of compost you're keeping out of your waste stream. This is a monorepo React on Rails app utilizing MaterialUI for some React components and styles and Devise for authentication.


React MaterialUI Rails PostgreSQL
Harry Potter quiz image

museo Client GitHub Repo API GitHub Repo

Discover museums nearby or wherever your travels take you. This app uses React for client side code, Node.js and Express for the API, and PostgreSQL for the database.


React CSS NodeJS PostgreSQL
museo landing page image

TechTracker Client GitHub Repo Server GitHub Repo

An application for tracking inventory status built for the Museum of Life and Science. This app uses React for client side code, Node.js and Express for the API, and PostgreSQL for the database.


React CSS NodeJS PostgreSQL
TechTracker check out page image

ISS Locator GitHub Repo

Find out the next time the International Space Station will be visible from your location as the map live-tracks the ISS. This app uses data from the Open Notify ISS, Leaflet, Mapbox, and Zip Code APIs.


ISS web page image